Lead Developer, Stardock Entertainment
Fun with physics on your desktop
Published on June 21, 2006 By CariElf In WinCustomize News

The concept behind BumpTop 3D Desktop is that people organize (or disorganize) items on their desk to convey information by how and where they are placed, and that this could be simulated on the computer desktop using a 3D physics engine.  For example, let's say that you keep piles of papers that have to be processed by the end of the week on one part of your desk, say an IN box, and you move them to an OUT box as you deal with each one.  With BumpTop 3D Desktop, you could do the same thing with icons of files because the icons become 3D stackable objects.  You can even change the orientation of the file so that certain files stick out visually from the rest. 

The physics engine is used to make the items act like real items on the desk, and you use circular motions like the ones you use with a Pocket PC to manipulate the objects.  The prototype video mentions a pen, but it's not clear to me whether a stylus or other pen-like pointing device will be required for this to work.  If they got the physics engine working as well as it appears in the video, it would be easy for them to make a fun casual game.  However, I don't know that I'd want to do it to organize my files on a regular basis.   I do like the concept of being able to arrange my desktop in 3D space, but I'll reserve judgement on the interface until (if) they come out with a working demo.

You really have to watch the video to appreciate what these people propose to do, so check it out. 



Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 22, 2006
Where's Frogboy??? We need this in Object Desktop... Icon X version 8.0 ... LOL Somebody give him the idea, Stardock will probably even make it better
on Jun 22, 2006
Somebody give him the idea, Stardock will probably even make it better

Article posted by CariElf - Lead developer of Galactic Civilisations.
Comment by JMBdev, aka Jeff Bargmann, Lead dev of ObjectDock, ObjectBar, Control Center, RightClick.

I think Stardock is aware.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central

on Jun 23, 2006

I think Stardock is aware.


on Jun 23, 2006
Wow... i wanna beta test this would be very interesting to see how they play out applications.. from simple window apps (which shouldn't be too hard since they're "window like") to full screen mode - games mainly...

i've seen a couple of 3D desktops.. none of which seems promising.. but this one seems very promising If only Vista could implement this......
on Jun 24, 2006
This is a pretty interesting concept. Though i have reservations, this one looks totally promising and cool! Hey perhaps a feature like this could be integrated to some of Stardock's really cool proggies. And since they [the developers] are aware of it already.... it is only a matter of time and people will be seeing unexpected and better results... Whadya think?
on Jun 24, 2006
Anyone else noticed that their popup menu complied with Fitts' Law?
I've signed up for the beta. The thing about these things is that you really can't know for sure how well they worked until it's been tried amoung the public.
on Jun 26, 2006
I was suprised at the comments on youtube, and also at the comments from some interactive developers i've showed this too. The general concerns range from 'not worth the extra resources load' to 'whats the point'. The stand of the interactive developers is, why would you replicate an in-efficient tradition ( the physical, paper covered desktop ) on a computer platform, when you have the opportunity to change the way people think of a desktop entirely, and make it more efficient? Well, that's a very good opinion. Why spend the development time on this?

Now, i thought this prototype was a very cool system. I don't keep a lot of icons on my desktop as it is - but if i could interact with my data in this way, i might start letting them accumulate. Simply for that ability of moving items, the intermediary step of crumpeling up a document, and the sorting and stacking of information; for me, this is a nice segway in to what the naysayer developers crave - the 'blackcomb' next generation of computer interaction. I'm for it, because if they get this running it will open up a lot of eyes and get people thinking about that next generation desktop.
on Jun 26, 2006
This makes a lot of sense as a "concept car" type thing. Take a new idea, implement it, test it in the real world, show it off to get other ideas, take the the biggest bang for the cheapest buck and roll it into a "real" project. That's how I see this.

I have a few piles on my real desk. They act as reminders of tasks. In, fact most pile has an associated item on a paper to-do list. I update it every evening when I leave the office.

If I could add a label to each stack of files . . . I might use this. But . .I used MS Office Binder too . . . not too many folks did that though.

BumpTop's worth watching though . . . and it WILL be cool to have on the TabletPC as eye-candy. 
on Jun 26, 2006
Good point, Zubaz.. on a tablet PC i see this being very effective.. you're working with a stylus.. you have a platform that works like a note book.. it's there to be interacted with in this way.

I have a pile on my desk, too.. they're all envelopes.. they're called "bills".. i wish i could just crumple them up and throw them on a shelf for storage, too
on Jul 12, 2006
Really big demo video for SUSE enterprise Desktop 10
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