I first heard this song by Evanescence in the movie Daredevil, and it just stuck with me. I usually listen to soft rock stations, but I've started listening to a different station lately, in protest of my usual stations already playing Christmas carols. So I've been hearing this song more often, and the more often that I hear it, the more I like it.
The music is a juxtaposition of a delicate piano arpeggio and a driving beat from the guitar, completed with passionate lyrics.
I went on amazon looking for this song because I couldn't remember the name or artist from the movie credits, and I'd never caught it on the radio. I listed to some clips from some of Evanescence's other songs. I might have to go out on my lunch period and get that CD, I'm so addicted now.
In the meantime, mp3.com will let me listen to "Bring Me to Life" for free. I've listened to it about 10 times in a row so far.