Lead Developer, Stardock Entertainment
Published on February 10, 2004 By CariElf In Work Reports
I keep a notebook by my computers so that I can make quick reminder notes of things I need to work on, or look into, etc. Unfortunately, my handwriting sucks, and I fill up a page quickly. So I made myself an excel spreadsheet similar to my bug report tracking spreadsheets, and that's been working a bit better. Rather than checking stuff off, I move it to another sheet in the workbook. The workbook has 4 sheets in it: a to do list, a needs testing list, a done list, and a shelved list. The to do list is self-explanatory, the the needs testing list is for stuff that I've finished coding but needs testing and/or tweaking. Once I'm satisified that the stuff on that page works, I move it to the done list. The shelved list I haven't had to use yet, and probably won't get a lot of use.

So, things on my done list from Friday and yesterday:

+The description box wasn't hiding from the scenario list for the custom map list.
+Fixed a lockup in the player setup screen if there wasn't a scenario
+Lowered logistic cost for starbases to 200.
+Made sure that the United Planets screen always has an option selected
+Added in code to set a state of permanent war between civs from a scenario
+Made sure that the scrollbar shows up in the mission description. This was a pain to fix because Duffy's wrapped text code wasn't counting the number of lines properly. I ended up writing my own function.
+Made the trade goods right-clickable on the trade screen. Now, when you right click on a trade good in the trade screen, a little dialog will pop up with the description, just like on the planet data screen.
+One of the modders discovered that duplicate improvement definitions were not consolidating. I fixed that.
+The minor race button now gets set from the selected scenario, if there is one. Otherwise, it uses the saved value.
+fixed a lockup caused by disabling the last enabled race.

Things I'm still working on:

+I'm still tweaking the difficulty levels. I got it working so that races being disabled does not decrease the difficulty, but the individual levels still need work. The problem is, we have only 8 levels of AI intelligence (well, that's artificial: we have 8 strings) but we have 12 levels of overall difficulty. If it's not a problem for Pat, I think that we should add more intelligence strings and make it a straight scale: 10 pts per difficulty level or something like that.

+The campaign and mission screens need to show data for games in progress/save games. Currently, the campaign save games are normal save games in the save game folder.

+The scrollbar shows up for the mission description, but the tab isn't showing up, so I'll have to re-encode that.

+I need to find a place to put a button to bring up the mission screen in game. I'm thinking down by the victory status strings would make sense.

+I need to make a graphic for the disabled minor race button for when it's set by the scenario, like there are for the victory conditions. Right now, it's just hidden, but that's kinda cheesy.

I like writing this blog in the morning. It's a good way to start the day.

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